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Oral Hygiene Hack: Do You Really Need Mouthwash Every Day?

Apart from brushing and flossing, many people add mouthwash to their teeth-cleaning routine for oral hygiene and fresh breath. But some dentists warn that mouthwash, unlike toothbrushes and dental floss, should not be used daily since it can worsen oral health and lead to the following 4 problems.

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1.Irritates the oral mucosa

If your mouthwash contains alcohol to kill bacteria, it could be irritating the delicate oral mucosa. Instead, opt for a gentle, alcohol-free option to care for your oral health and avoid irritation.

2.Upsets the oral microbiome balance

Excessive use of mouthwash will disrupt the delicate balance of the oral microbiome, which may accelerate the growth of bad bacteria, leading to dental plaque, gingivitis, bleeding gums, gum recession and even tooth loss.

3.Beware of stained teeth

Some mouthwash formulas contain ingredients such as chlorhexidine and fluoride that can kill bacteria. But prolonged use of fluoride can replace the calcium ion in your teeth, leading to yellow speckles on the surface and stained teeth and tongue.

4.Changes in taste perception

Mouthwash ingredients such as chlorhexidine can irritate your taste buds and reduce your sense of bitter and salty taste. This effect is usually temporary and will recover after a few hours.


In fact, as long as you brush your teeth and floss properly, mouthwash is not a necessity in your oral health routine. But if you still want to use an oral rinse, use it sparingly. Just 1-2 times a week for 30 seconds is enough to keep your mouth fresh and clean!

Source: Medical News

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