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Fight Postpartum Hair Loss with Confidence!

As a new mom, you have a lot on your plate. Between taking care of your little one and adjusting to your new role, it can be overwhelming. But there's one more thing you don't have to worry about - postpartum hair loss. Hair loss after childbirth is a physiological phenomenon caused by hormonal changes. Nearly half of all mothers experience this phenomenon 2-3 months after giving birth. While it may be alarming, rest assured that new hair will grow back gradually over the next 3 months.


Whether it's through simple at-home remedies or seeking professional help, there are options available to help you say goodbye to postpartum hair loss worries for good.

Nourish your hair from the inside out - the power of a healthy diet

New mothers need more nutritional supplements when it comes to postpartum hair loss. Incorporating iron-rich foods like animal offal, spinach, soybeans and oats, as well as vitamin C from fruits like oranges and kiwis, folic acid from broccoli and peas, and vitamin B from eggs and salmon can help improve your hair health.

And for a double boost, turn to traditional Chinese medicine and add black foods like black sesame, walnuts, and black beans to your diet. Or try sipping on black bean water or a warm bowl of black bean and unprocessed rehmannia root soup with black chicken - both believed to strengthen the spleen, nourish the blood, and promote hair growth.


Reducing stress for healthy hair growth

Postnatal mothers are particularly sensitive and tend to worry about a variety of things, so they need to reduce their stress levels. For example, regular low-intensity exercise can help regulate mental health and increase blood circulation. Together with a good night's sleep and a healthy diet, this will strengthen your hair and allow it to grow in a healthy way, giving it the volume and quality that it used to have.

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Source: Zenith

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